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04/09/2001 Topic: Excel From Sophie 1 reply
How do you repeat the format of a worksheet - eg header, footer, margins etc - on subsequent worksheets. Copy and paste does...  (provide an answer)
29/08/2001 Topic: Lists From Charlie22 2 replies
Hello again, I am designing an Excel spreadsheet. I would like to include a drop-down list box in it. This should enable u...  (provide an answer)
29/08/2001 Topic: Desk top publishing From JaneCooling 1 reply
I wish to use an application for designing new brochures, web sites etc for my firm and thought that Adobe would be the best ...  (provide an answer)
23/08/2001 Topic: Page Numbers in FrameMaker 6.0 From MikeH 1 reply
Hi, I need to change the page start number for a file. It is not part of a book file but needs to start at page 10 not 1. ...  (provide an answer)
18/08/2001 Topic: PowerPoint From Sarah 1 reply
Can you use animated gif's in PowerPoint 97?...  (provide an answer)
08/08/2001 Topic: Excel Worksheet From Charlie22 1 reply
Hello, In Excel, how do I freeze a portion of the worksheet on the left side so that it remains displayed at all times as ...  (provide an answer)
13/07/2001 Topic: Word 2000 From Piers 4 replies
Martin, Have you managed to find the answer to why drawing a vertical line against a table, effects the position of the te...  (provide an answer)
22/06/2001 Topic: Generating Random Numbers in Flash From angel 1 reply
Hello there, I have created a variable that generates a random number in Flash. But I then want to be able to jump to a ce...  (provide an answer)
21/06/2001 Topic: Workbook - Open Where I Want From Biscuit Man 1 reply
I want to open an Excel workbook in a specified sheet and at a specified range i.e a sheet of macro buttons....  (provide an answer)
16/05/2001 Topic: Random numbers in VB From angel 2 replies
Hi! I'm trying to pur random numbers between 1 and 6 into three label boxes: Private Sub Command1_Click() Label1 = Rnd...  (provide an answer)
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